Sunday, May 19, 2013

Another VA ER Saturday

Hey, anybody remember what we did last Saturday? That was so much fun let’s play Saturday, San Juan, VA Emergency Room again. This time Kirt rode in an ambulance.
The morning began with Castor Oil just like last weekend. This week there wasn’t the pain of butt ripping turds, yippie ki. What we had here was failure to defecate followed by reverse flow. You wouldn’t believe what came out of his mouth and nose. “Pat,” he bellowed like a dying bull elephant. I recognized my name or I wouldn’t have known it was Kirt calling me.
Getting an ambulance to not stop in the nearest town, but to go directly to VA San Juan took a little doing. In a sincere desire to ensure the best care for my guy I spoke probably every word I know in Spanish today. I knew I was in trouble when the EMT guy who was speaking some English to me relayed to his partner his opinion of the course of events. The EMT partner assertively told my neighbor Gerardo, to tell me something. Gerardo, who speaks no English, looks me compassionately in the eyes and ever so slowly, enunciating carefully tells me what all the guys think in (what else?) Spanish!  
With Kirt headed toward help I sat on the bed stunned. When I first saw my love, my best buddy in the whole world slumped in the wheelchair spewing like something out of a horror movie, I wanted to throw up, and cry and scream. My head had thoughts of blowing up. I locked the dogs and cat in the house and headed to San Juan.
The ER Doc had been told that Kirt fell on the bathroom floor, couldn’t get up and his belly hurt. No mention of vomiting, constipatation, Castor Oil, being incoherent, or that I had given him aspirin because I thought he may have had a stroke. Armed with this new information the doctor continued with what he was doing.
Short story treated and released; we were home before Sunday. On the ride he complained of pain in the long leg. The stump hurt less than the good leg. His belly hurt less than the whole leg. God, please let it be his back. 

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