This isn't the picture of Puerto Rico anyone wants to see. Because there is no island wide sterilization program dogs are everywhere procreating.
Wonderful, caring people do the best they can to help these dogs. They are the dog saviors. In Lares there was a lady who lived near the garbage dump, which apparantly is a favorite place to drop off unwanted pets or maybe they gravitate to the smell. This lady started feeding the dogs before long she had many, many dogs. It took most of each month's retirement check to keep them fed. She lost her health and then her house. The dogs are back out in the street.
Shelters have picked up most of the dogs. Villa Michelle a private shelter has taken many; they are wonderful. The municipal shelters all too frequently, pick them up and kill them. Euthanizing is not animal control; it's murder.
A dog running free here or there can be considered a part of the culture. It has a certain charm, but large packs of malnourished mangey dogs speaks so
poorly for this island. How much does the tourism industry have to spend to counter act this negative publicity
Would the best public relations be to show the world Puerto Rico cares by sterilizing these animals. Animal lovers of the world would support that; ask Athens.
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